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2009 Sep 1, Linux family, x86, ARM instruction set, LiMo R2 is a modern Linus-based platform for mobile handsets. It is built around the core of the GNOME Mobile architecture. The framework is provided by GTK and within the UI framework, Pango is used for text layout, rendering and internationalisation support while Cairo is used for 2D.. | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2010 Mar 1, Linux family, x86, ARM instruction set, App Launcher FrameworkM3 API and Evenet namesCommon App Development Environment (3rd-party native SDK)System Apps and Server APIsLBS plugin Bondi 1.0 complaint Web SDK | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2009 Oct 1, Linux family, x86, ARM instruction set, Enhanced GTK+ (2.14)Indicator and Key Sound ServicesPower managerBrowser EngineWeb Runtime and Device APIsCDMA SupportSELinuxBlueZDBMS | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2009 Jun 1, Linux family, x86, ARM instruction set, LiMo R2 is a modern Linus-based platform for mobile handsets. It is built around the core of the GNOME Mobile architecture. The framework is provided by GTK and within the UI framework, Pango is used for text layout, rendering and internationalisation support while Cairo is used for 2D.. | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

2008 Mar 1, Linux family, x86, ARM instruction set, The LiMo Foundation has selected Linux as the core technology for the LiMo Foundation Platform due to its rich functionality, scalability and excellent record of success within mobile embedded systems, the scope to easily cross-platformize with other categories such as consumer electronics and automotive, and the potential to.. | All detailsAll details | Add this item to the comparisonAdd to compare

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